Whiskey Jack Presents Stories & Songs of Stompin' Tom This show is officially a hot item and is now for sale. To view some scenes, go to their most recent TV appearance at www.orchardtv.com/whiskeyjack
For bookings contact Marilyn Gilbert Artists Management at 416-534-4993 or [email protected]
Jesse Brown This is officially the most important podcast in Canada. Jesse Brown is a broadcaster, journalist, reporter...etc. with NO official ties to anyone. That makes him unique in Canadian news reporting...he is beholdin' to nobody. He's fun, enlightening and his guest tell the truth, or at least describe the truth as best they can. Check out his first podcast with CBC's Michael Enright... very good!
Ellen Roseman Blog According to her blog, "Ellen is a personal finance and consumer affairs columnist with the Toronto Star’s business section. Her columns appear Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday."
She is to the local newspaper scene, what Erin Davis it to the media scene... that is, a "must read".
Erin Davis's Official Homepage Erin always has a finger on the pulse of this vibrant city. Her blog is informative and fun. If you want to know what's happening or what's happened, don't bother listening to the news reports, go to this blog. My guess is this is one of the most popular sites in Toronto.
This short summary of our local market was filmed yesterday, November 27, 2020. As we enter this new and challenging phase of the world order, I thought it would be a good time to bring everyone up to date on...
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Before the pandemic, you could take it to the bank that downtown Toronto real estate was worth much more than real estate outside the city. Everyone knew that if you sold your house in the Annex and bought in Barrie,...
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After I sent my most recent information video, this arrived in my inbox. Hi Duncan — I was just watching your 4th video — you come across as very knowledgeable and comforting in these crazy times — and I could...
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There's something strange happening with the real estate market across much of Canada. It's hot! I was quoted in the Globe and Mail in early March that during the 1990 recession, real estate sales came to a virtual stand still....
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There are many in my circle of friends who are perplexed by the crazy demand on real estate here in this great city. They more often than not ask me about it when we meet. I can offer anecdotal reasons...tell...
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I've been asked this question often over the years. It's a legal issue so we're not qualified to answer it. This is the best overview of what may happen that I've read. Published in today's REM (Real Estate Marketing. Can...
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IMPORTANT Changes to Toronto LTT APPROVED - Effective March 1, 2017 City of Toronto Council has approved changes to the Toronto Land Transfer Tax that mean additional Toronto Land Transfer Tax costs for some home buyers with a closing date...
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IMPORTANT Changes to Toronto LTT APPROVED - Effective March 1, 2017 City of Toronto Council has approved changes to the Toronto Land Transfer Tax that mean additional Toronto Land Transfer Tax costs for some home buyers with a closing date...
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Since I became a Realtor in 1987, I've had probably 10 conversations with clients who've called asking to discuss buying a house with a family member or a friend. The idea was that if you combine two family incomes into...
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There are some politicians, some probably very nice, who enter public life with the best of intentions. In some cases, they understand what role they're most qualified to play. Most are not leadership material but make quite good back benchers....
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There is another major change coming in the Canadian real estate industry. If you've been following the story these past three years, you know the Competition Bureau has been demanding that information in our cherished Multiple Listing Systems be more...
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Joe Richer is the registrar of the Real Estate Council of Ontario (RECO). This is the organization that enforces all of the rules that govern the real estate industry in Ontario. Before this, he was registrar at the Board of...
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December 09, 2015
We, as in Toronto Realtors, get asked often, "can we get front pad parking?". For the past few years, the answer has been unequivocally. "no". There's been a moratorium on authorizing more legal permits. Now council is thinking of making...
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One of the services we offer to our clients is mediation. It rarely leads to a sale but we enjoy doing this. As it turns out, we're pretty good at it. There are many circumstances when this becomes necessary. Ofttimes,...
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I'm sure readers of this blog know the old saying, "when you assume, you make an "ass" out of "u" or "me". In real estate, assuming can do worse. It can mean the difference between a successful sale or a...
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Evaluating the integrity of a condominium corporation is often arbitrary by nature. There is no absolute formula. Here's a perfect example of why this is true. We listed a unit in a boutique condo building a few years ago. There...
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Each morning, Karen and I check out the local sales from the previous night. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are particularly busy since offers are usually considered on Mondays and Tuesdays. This week, we noticed something was amiss. Houses that should have...
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There are many invisible services Realtors provide to their clients. We're marriage councilors, child therapists, travel agents, chauffeurs and many many more. I like all of these roles which is convenient since I'm paid well to perform them. The one...
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Here's a fun post from years past: Today in the Globe and Mail, there was an article on the front page of the real estate section. It was a story about up and coming neighbourhoods here in Toronto where bargains...
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I predict, right here in this blog, that within the next five years, the real estate industry (and other industries) will legislate the end of paper Agreements of Purchase and Sale and accompanying documents. There's a new product on the...
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