Jesse Brown This is officially the most important podcast in Canada. Jesse Brown is a broadcaster, journalist, reporter...etc. with NO official ties to anyone. That makes him unique in Canadian news reporting...he is beholdin' to nobody. He's fun, enlightening and his guest tell the truth, or at least describe the truth as best they can. Check out his first podcast with CBC's Michael Enright... very good!
Ellen Roseman Blog According to her blog, "Ellen is a personal finance and consumer affairs columnist with the Toronto Star’s business section. Her columns appear Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday."
She is to the local newspaper scene, what Erin Davis it to the media scene... that is, a "must read".
Erin Davis's Official Homepage Erin always has a finger on the pulse of this vibrant city. Her blog is informative and fun. If you want to know what's happening or what's happened, don't bother listening to the news reports, go to this blog. My guess is this is one of the most popular sites in Toronto.
Here’s why I’m attending the Jayme Stone seminar, How To Book Yourself Without An Agent on January 12, 2016. I check Jayme’s web site from time to time and am astounded by the amount of work he finds. He's also...
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The music metaphor applies to many, if not all, interactions between people. The encounters that people have with each other, at least the ones I'm most familiar with, are real estate or music related. It only makes sense that I...
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My friend Douglas John Cameron hosted a very successful CD release at Hugh's Room last week. The new project is called Riverdale, a series of excellent original tunes recorded last year. He took a rather derring-do approach by listing and...
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Randy Newman wrote a song that I love to sing called My Old Kentucky Home. I particularly love the line "my sister Sue, she's short and stout...she didn't grow up, she grew out". My Old Kentucky Home I thought of...
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The Indie Bible is a company that offers services designed to help music artists succeed. I've never been ambitious enough to call on them for help but they've been around for over 15 years so they're doing something right. They...
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Just for the record, I am now pensionable. That doesn't mean I'm failing in my duties as a good Realtor. Au contraire. I'm at the top of my game and expect to remain there for quite some time. There are...
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Tidbit #1: This so called "toilet paper debate" will end only when humans stop...well, you know where this is going. The following is proof that the conflict that arises from these discussions is not necessary. To all my friends who...
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I'm probably the last one to comment on a TV show since I watch the tube so rarely. There was a time when I could complete the TV Guide crossword puzzle in 15 minutes but those days are long gone....
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There's been pop up on my computer each day that is disrupting my peace of mind. It's a little thing but where Apple is concerned, it's always the little things that are the most annoying. The big things? Apple has...
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Sam Grosso, the owner of the Cadillac Lounge and the El Mocambo knows more about the live music scene here in Toronto than pretty much anyone. When Sam speaks, we all listen. In a recent issue of The Varsity, a...
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Tom and shit disturber to another.... Shortly after Stompin' Tom published his autobiograpy, I dropped into his house to thank him for spelling my name correctly. He told me about some literary award he had won and the subsequent...
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Ouch... not lookin' good Tim! Come to think of it, this also doesn't look good on Gil Moore, Triumph's drummer! Makes him look like Hudak's lackey.
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I received this message this morning from Steve Fruitman, President, Board of Directors, CIUT Radio Toronto. He's also host of a radio show each week, 33.45.78. This is an important, independant radio service that is not owned by Rogers, or...
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Sheesh! All you old people out there... get out more. Go see some live music! My friend Kristen Bruya is the Assistant Principal Double Bass player for the Toronto Symphony Orchestra (TSO). She's also on a committee that is looking...
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During a Stompin' Tom performance many years ago, Tom shared a story with the audience about his first gig at the Horseshoe Tavern on Queen Street West. He said playing the Horseshoe for the first time was a sign that...
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I mentioned in a post recently that there is an ad hoc committee working diligently and with great enthusiasm to put on what would have been Stompin' Tom's 78th birthday party. There's nothing terribly formal about this group. We don't...
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A few weeks ago, Whiskey Jack performed at The Olde Eton House on the Danforth. At the end of the set, I walked around the room asking people how they found out about the event. That's when I met Diane...
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Whiskey Jack has been reviewed by many journalist over the years, some prominent, some not. My favourite was "singularly lacking in talent" from a young journalist in Fredericton who was denied access to Stompin' Tom before a show one night...
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In the 1970's when I first started learning to play the banjo, I was asked to teach a banjo course for a night school program at a local high school. It was sponsored by the Toronto Board of Education and...
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There's been a kerfuffle in the local real estate industry lately over a listing in the Beach area. Apparently, the Realtor is charging perspective buyers a $50.00 fee to view the house. Proceeds are going to charity but still.... $50.00?...
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