Whiskey Jack Presents Stories & Songs of Stompin' Tom This show is officially a hot item and is now for sale. To view some scenes, go to their most recent TV appearance at www.orchardtv.com/whiskeyjack
For bookings contact Marilyn Gilbert Artists Management at 416-534-4993 or [email protected]
Jesse Brown This is officially the most important podcast in Canada. Jesse Brown is a broadcaster, journalist, reporter...etc. with NO official ties to anyone. That makes him unique in Canadian news reporting...he is beholdin' to nobody. He's fun, enlightening and his guest tell the truth, or at least describe the truth as best they can. Check out his first podcast with CBC's Michael Enright... very good!
Ellen Roseman Blog According to her blog, "Ellen is a personal finance and consumer affairs columnist with the Toronto Star’s business section. Her columns appear Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday."
She is to the local newspaper scene, what Erin Davis it to the media scene... that is, a "must read".
Erin Davis's Official Homepage Erin always has a finger on the pulse of this vibrant city. Her blog is informative and fun. If you want to know what's happening or what's happened, don't bother listening to the news reports, go to this blog. My guess is this is one of the most popular sites in Toronto.
Before the pandemic, you could take it to the bank that downtown Toronto real estate was worth much more than real estate outside the city. Everyone knew that if you sold your house in the Annex and bought in Barrie,...
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After I sent my most recent information video, this arrived in my inbox. Hi Duncan — I was just watching your 4th video — you come across as very knowledgeable and comforting in these crazy times — and I could...
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That's what I'm calling this crazy virus...Corona Mona. I'm not blaming a gender for this but Mona rhymes and Dana doesn't. It's been a few weeks since I posted here. In that period, we've travelled a bit more, returned to...
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Dec. 21, 2016 R. Dale. As someone who lived in the same era as me, I ask you, can you think of a year that has unsettled our lives more than 2016? In fact, can you think of a more...
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While travelling recently, I met a TV star. She is from Malaysia. Her name is Sarimah Ibrahim and she is a TV personality who is unknown in the English speaking world because she broadcasts in Malay. Her audience, she told...
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The Guelph Mercury is no more....at least the print edition. It's a newspaper that's been around since Confederation. This is big news in Guelph but the bigger news for the rest of us, is the pending doom that awaits other...
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In the 1960's, there was a huge influx of American draft dodgers and deserters who "immigrated" to Canada. The Prime Minister at the time was Pierre Trudeau. They were generally welcomed with open arms and I'm happy to say, many...
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There's a strong argument to be made that the Harper Government was defeated in large part to an overwhelming anti-Harper campaign on social media. For those who were on the popular sites in the months leading up to the October...
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I travelled by air to BC recently with some friends. They made arrangements to get us a driver to take us to the airport and back. The driver and his new van appeared at our home early one morning and...
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Local singer/songwriter Roxanne Tellier posted this clarification on Facebook. As she so correctly pointed out, it is a not so subtle form of racism when people spout off about the free ride native people are receiving regarding income and sales...
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As our new Prime Minister is about to be sworn in later today, I thought I'd take one more kick at the old PC-can and then let it rest until the another Prime Minister called Lucifer rears his ugly head...
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Yes, it's all good to wake up to a new government without "what's his name" at the helm. I no longer have to hear that smarmy voice or see his smug mug on the front pages of magazines and newspapers....
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Message to Mulcair and Trudeau: If you can't put your damn stubborn partisan politics aside on Oct. 20th and put the interests of your country over the interests of your party, you're no better than Harper and the hell with...
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Each morning, Karen and I check out the local sales from the previous night. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are particularly busy since offers are usually considered on Mondays and Tuesdays. This week, we noticed something was amiss. Houses that should have...
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There are many thousands of Canadians, particularly those who have been seduced by the fear mongering of our Prime Minister (the same guy who hides in closets when the going get's tough), who fear that letting in Syrian refugees will...
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In 1962, me being the dumb 12 year old that I was, I playfully asked my father how he voted when he left the community hall voting booth at the foot of our road in a rural community in Northern...
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I don't know about you but I resent the the endless ads on the radio promoting the political parties vying for an election win in October. Actually, these ads don't promote. They demonize the other guy. I don't enjoy spending...
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The Guardian, one of the most respected newspapers in the world, published this Editorial recently. In it, they reflect on the idea that Stephen Harper might lose this election and suggests that Canada might return to it's storied place in...
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As the news about the Pluto planet photos is spread, I sit here wondering what it all means? What am I supposed to think? to feel? How should I react? When I get this confused about something, I reach for...
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For those readers who have been following my rants over the 8+ year history of this blog, I finally have a photo that describes very clearly why I've been hostile to conventional TV these past 7 years. That was the...
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