Yesterday evening was the longest evening in my life! Yes, I WENT TO THE OPERA!
This wasn't just any opera. It was The Nightingale by Stravinsky and the media raved about it. Apparently, according to the critics, it was even an opera the novice (as in me) would appreciate. What a pile of bull. It was a joke. Ok. It wasn't a joke. Let me put it this way. I DON'T GET IT! What's the appeal?
Let me put it another way. If Hammy Hamster were to star in an opera, it would be The Nightingale. Last night's show featured adults, waist deep in a water container on the stage, floating little boats with little puppets singing an inane story line that was translated above the stage for those of us who don't speak Russian.
So what is the connection to Hammy Hamster? The Adventures of Hammy Hamster was a children's TV show that ran off and on from 1959 to 1998, an astonishing record given the ridiculous premise (and that's what is shared with last night's opera).
As described on Wikepedia, "The program had human voices in sync to the actions of the live animals to give the impression that the creatures were going about on purposeful, intelligent activities. They lived on a place called "The Riverbank". The animals operated various artifacts including toy sailboats, cars, and even a diving bell. The voices were selected to reflect personalities of the animals." I'm sure Stravinsky didn't do this but the producers of Hammy's show fed the rodents peanut butter so they would move their mouths during the voice overs.
I've tried explaining this show to normal semi literate friends of mine and often they don't believe me. Ha! Check out this video and transpose the rodents with Russian royalty and you'll soon see why last night was slow torture.