Being in the public domain with my real estate web page, my music web page, my blog, my presence on various public web sites, my print and media advertising and on and email addresses are readily known and available to any and all. This means I receive 100+ emails each day, many of the spam variety. If you ever need anything lengthened or if you are looking for business opportunities overseas, call me. I'm in the know.
This makes me very conscious of what I send to my clients, both in terms of content and frequency. I pore over each submission and edit, only to edit some more, not wanting to waste words or space. However, as a consumer, I pine for the same effort from those who send information to me.
For example, there's a real estate referral company that has been trying to entice me to join their team and this guy is relentless. I can't take it any more and realized yesterday that I stopped reading the subject line months ago. Why I let it go on as long as I did is a complete puzzle to me.
So when I draft an internet newsletter or a snail mail newsletter, I think of companies like this and swear that I will never do this to anyone.
I have a long list of vital Realtors in my contact list and I can very easily click on my mouse and send them information on a property. However, they've learned about the listing from the MLS and don't need me to remind them it's out there. However, once in awhile (maybe 4 times in the past 8 years) there's a listing that isn't selling for whatever reason and so I have to come up with some new and different ways to get the word out. That's when I use the internet in this way. So, since these Realtors rarely receive an information email from me, they're more inclined to read it and consider the details of the property.
I'm working on fine tuning one more aspect of my email campaign, the subject line. I'm thinking this is almost as important as the body of the email. What is it's purpose? If I can communicate my message within the subject line, then there is no need for content in the body and that is my new goal in life.